Short Description
Korea Software Game Soft Wave sees Software Development as an essential part of technology transformation and industrial competitiveness.
The Republic of Korea is seeking opportunities to take another leap forward in the 21st century and securing future-leading growth engines. AISA Digital was invited by the Korea Government to this special exhibition in the heart of Korea, Seoul to be a part of this industrial revolution. This exhibition covers the SW technology and application products of global companies.
- Date : 9 & 10 August 2018 | 10.00am - 5.00pm
- Categories : Technology
Korea Software Game Soft Wave is a special exhibition for global expansion in terms of Software and Software fusion Advanced Technology. Through this event, exhibitors or atteendees can discover new growth engines, promote partnerships and attract potential buyers. This Soft Wave event is meaningful to AISA Digital and also to you, as it is a key future driver of national and industrial competitiveness.
Focus• System Software: System software: Operating system, compiler, I / O control program, etc.
• Application Software: Enterprise / Personal SW, Game, Web, etc.
• Software Convergence: Communication / Broadcasting, Bio / Health Care, IoT, AI, Other SW convergence -
PartnershipsExpand business opportunities for participating companies, network with suppliers.
Attracting BuyersExhibitors of public and private insitutions specialised in specific fields and attract users with demonstrative technologies and services.